Blend Neuroscience and GenAi to innovate faster, Message Efficiently, and win the consumer's mind without writing a single prompt. GenAi reimagined through Neuroscience.

Disrupt your Category. Innovate. Message to Evoke Desire.

Sensori.Ai Is The ONLY Company Using Nonconscious Data to Decode What Consumers Want
How do I create breakthrough innovations that disrupt my category?
Product Suite
Product Suite
Can I create Sensorials that are Unique and Premiumize?
How do I evoke desire so consumers notice and click in a millisecond?
Product Suite

Ready to Innovate?
3 Ways to Engage
Do a Pilot – 10 days start to finish
Solve a Problem – using our products – 5 days start to finish, with our guidance
License our Products – self-service – start immediately
Sensori.Ai in The News

SENSORI is the only company in the world blending generative AI with mined data from the human nonconscious to develop new ways for brands to reach consumers and appeal to their deepest desires. Founded in 2023 by serial entrepreneur and buyer neuroscience expert Dr. A.K. Pradeep, the company works with some of the world’s largest brands.
GPT-Generative Pre-trained Transformers are the core engines that form the basis of our designs. Templates, formulas, embeddings and constraints enable AI to generate designs with Hyper-Creativity, Functionality, and 100% Compliance to Brand and Corporate guidelines.
'neuroAI-Winning the Minds of Consumers with Neuroscience Powered GenAi' explores how cutting edge Neuroscience powers GenAi. Sensory neuroAi algorithms design product Innovations, Fragrance, Flavors, Music, and Compelling Stories. Moving GenAi from “generic Ai” to truly “generative Ai”. Buy the book written by SENSORI scientists on Amazon.