What it is
A tool to predict product Volumetrics for the first few years. Predicts marketplace success of the product and the revenues from innovation for the first few years. The tool allows for levels of conservatism, level of marketplace competition, specification of the broad or specific category the innovation might belong to, and the level of premiumness associated the innovation. Unlike other tools in the market, baselineGPT uses the Desire for the product developed in the nonconscious to gauge the volumetrics associated with an innovation. The tool fragments the innovation, creates the accretive contributive margin of the components to the increments over average of volume in a category
Client Value Delivered
Client had used the traditional Volumetrics prediction tools in the market. Client had concluded reluctantly that the prediction accuracy was just 50%, statistically equivalent to a coin toss. The general feeling was that product volumetrics predictions had not factored in the Desire created in the nonconscious mind of the consumer for the product. Client used Baseline for the new Product Launch and the prediction accuracy increased to over 70% for the target client segment in the target geography for the first year – this was a first for the Client in their history.
Who Should Use It?
Brand marketers who need to decide whether to launch a product in the marketplace. R&D leaders who wonder how to prioritize innovations. Consumer Insights leaders who need to determine if the product launch will deliver the promised benefits. Supply chain leaders who need to plan for inventory management based on the expected volume and velocity.

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