What it is
Protect innovations by creating a full provisional patent application immediately. The provisional patent application contains all of the sections of a typical application all filled in for a first pass review. When possible the claims are structured to be differentiated and facilitate smooth passage through the patent office. Differentiation of the proposed patent from prior art is also presented.
Client Value Delivered
Global client had built numerous “Content Factories” – tools and workflow processes to create messaging and imagery. The client embedded the engines of patentGPT in their workflow to use the content factories to start to churn out Intellectual Property. The IP generation has started to create significant competitive barriers to entry in their competitive beauty and wellness marketplace.
Who Should Use It?
R&D personnel, IP counsel who seek to rapidly create protections for core intellectual property. CEO’s who aim to create and deliver long term shareholder value. Brand Marketers who see to differentiate in crowded and competitive marketplaces.

Ready to Innovate?
3 Ways to Engage
Do a Pilot – 10 days start to finish
Solve a Problem – using our products – 5 days start to finish, with our guidance
License our Products – self-service – start immediately