Generative AI

GPT – Generative Pre-trained Transformers Using Neuroscience of the non-conscious, and Machine Learning to generate Sensory Innovations not found anywhere else in the world. Fragrance, Flavors, Music, Trends, and Creative Stories – all designed and composed by Generative Ai.
Generative AI

Generative Ai - GPT

GPT-Generative Pre-trained Transformers are the core engines that form the basis of our designs. Templates, formulas, embeddings and constraints enable AI to generate designs with Hyper-Creativity, Functionality, and 100% Compliance to Corporate guidelines and standards.

Machine Learning

Our pioneering approach uses machine learning to pinpoint precisely where the human mind focuses when introduced to products and advertising, giving us unparalleled insights into potential marketing innovations.
Machine Learning


The non-conscious is the biological basis of all human behavior, shaping our deepest desires and daily decisions. We’re continuously mining its depths for the secrets it holds.