Trends Innovation


sensori.AI is unique – and so are our people. You’ll benefit from working closely with a team that has many years of experience providing innovative solutions for the world’s largest brands.


Meet the team


sensori.AI was founded in 2022, inspired by a conversation between our CEO and a global consumer goods company. This multinational corporation was proud of their creative ideas – but kept finding themselves behind the curve.

How was it that this successful company couldn’t stay ahead? What they failed to realize is that 95% of our decision-making is hidden deep in the non-conscious. This company was only able to respond to the 5% of conscious thought and didn’t have the means to mine the depths of consumer behavior.

Knowing essential connections are forged in the non-conscious, we built sensori.AI to enable companies to develop compelling products that consumers desire.

Our team includes AI engineers, Quantum Mechanics physicists, Linguists, NLP specialists, neuroscientists and musicians, all brought together by their passion for delivering Generative AI.